Candidate Match India
A tool to de-bias, speed-up, and turbo-charge
your shortlist
What is Candidate Match?
Candidate Match is a diagnostic tool that uses the latest machine learning methods to help you turbocharge your resume screening process. This exclusive, early-access opportunity is available to HerKey affiliates recruiting in India for Java full stack developers and finance & accounting roles.
Candidate Match was designed by Wharton professors and has been used by top U.S. firms hiring Ivy League employees. We are now partnered with HerKey (formerly JobsForHer) as well as researchers at Stanford University, Dartmouth College, and Imperial College London Business School to allow HerKey affiliates to be the first to pilot this cutting edge tool in India.
Click the button below to obtain a personalized link to complete the tool or to send a personalized link to others in your organization.

You spend ~30 minutes rating hypothetical resumes.

A machine learning algorithm identifies top job candidates that match your unique preferences.

We send you curated recommendations for HerKey candidates and/or your own candidates.
How does Candidate Match work?
Candidate Match is different from other resume-screening algorithms because it trains on specially designed hypothetical resumes that enable the algorithm to learn your preferences faster and reduce bias. In historical data, key fundamental characteristics can be correlated with demographics, and unconscious bias can get baked in when training on human decisions. In our unique paradigm, employers rate specially designed hypothetical resumes that allow us to zero in on preferences for resume fundamentals, reducing bias.
This also means that the tool learns your preferences faster, because instead of resume traits being highly correlated, which makes it difficult to parse what you value, each characteristic, from GPA to job history, can be separately measured.
Finally, Candidate Match innovates in personalization by taking into account granular information on salary bands for each candidate. This allows us to recommend the best candidates for you who offer the right mix of talent and yield.
By rating 43 hypothetical resumes, you get customized screening of a large bank of resumes. In addition to receiving recommendations of top HerKey candidates, you can also optionally upload or securely share a resume database, and receive a customized shortlist of priority applicants from your own candidate pool.
Who should complete the tool?
- Respondents should be those involved in screening resumes for a position.
- Multiple people from one firm can participate, each providing their own responses in the diagnostic tool.
- Different people should complete the diagnostic tool for different positions.
- More responses for one position can yield higher matching accuracy and precision!

Ready to get started?
If you are ready to participate in Candidate Match India, click the following button to receive personalized links to the tool.
What are the benefits to me or my firm from using the Candidate Match tool?
We will use your answers, combined with a specially designed machine learning algorithm, to recommend real job candidates for your open positions. This will be possible using your ratings on the hypothetical resumes that we will be showing you in the tool. We will be able to closely align your preferences with the recommendations we provide using our machine-learning algorithm.
Who designed Candidate Match?
Candidate Match was created by professors from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania to help firms find better candidates for their open positions and researchers to understand broad trends in employee hiring. This version has been adapted by those same Wharton researchers and researchers at Stanford University, Dartmouth College, and Imperial College London Business School, in collaboration with HerKey, specifically for the Indian job market.
Has Candidate Match been used by other companies?
Candidate Match has been used by many top US firms to find candidates for their open positions. This is the first time it is being offered to firms in India, so HerKey affiliates have an exclusive opportunity to pilot this tool.
Who should complete the tool?
Someone who is directly responsible for hiring for the position you are using Candidate Match for should complete the tool. If you need a unique link for someone else in your firm, use the “GET YOUR LINK” button above to get personalized links sent to that individual!
I am not hiring for a full stack Javascript developer or a finance and accounting professional right now, can I still participate?
What candidates will I get recommendations for?
How do I securely share my candidate pool?
To receive recommendations from your own candidate pool, please create a zip file of the resumes you want us to screen. If this zip file is smaller than 50MB, you can upload it directly when you are completing the tool. You will be given an option to upload your zip file in the brief survey at the end of the tool. If your zip file is larger than 50MB or you do not have the zip file ready when you are completing the tool, we will email you a link where you can upload your file shortly after you complete the tool.
Can I share the tool with others?
Yes! If you wish to share it with individuals outside of your organization, direct them to this website so they can acquire personalized links. If you wish to share it with colleagues within your organization, click the “GET YOUR LINK” button above to get personalized links sent to those individuals.
How long will it take to complete the tool?
The tool will take around 30 minutes to complete if there are no disruptions due to internet connectivity breakdown, etc.
Can I start and stop the tool and save my progress?
Yes, you can do that as long as you use the same personal link you were originally sent to resume the tool.
Can I complete the tool on my mobile phone?
Yes, the same link will open on a phone or any mobile device. Note, however, the user experience will be better on a laptop or desktop.
Can I complete the tool on a non-work based laptop?
Yes, the tool can be taken on any device as long as there is a good internet connection.
What should I do if for some reason my laptop or phone dies while completing the tool?
You should return to the tool from the same link you were sent. If you have any issues, try using the same device and browser, or reach out to us.
Do I have to answer every question?
What happens to my data as I submit the survey?
Are my answers anonymous?
Yes. We will be asking you for an email address where the research team can send you the candidate matches as determined by our machine learning algorithm after you have completed the tool. This email address is the only identification information we will have. We will delete this identifying information from the data after we have provided you with the candidate matches and use an anonymized version for analysis.
Will my seniors or HerKey see my answers?
No, the data will remain confidential and not be shared with anyone.
How am I being assured about the confidentiality of my data entered?
What will the researchers do with my answers?
The researchers will use the data collected from you i) to provide you with the best job candidate matches for your firm’s vacancy using our algorithm; ii) understand broad trends in the preferences of employers for research purposes.