Four courses selected from the following are required (4 cu). At least three courses must be BEPP courses.
BEPP 805 – Risk Management
BEPP 822 – Employee Benefit Plan and Design
BEPP 823 – Business Insurance and Estate Planning
Both BEPP 811 Risk & Crisis Management and BEPP 812 Markets for Pure Risk (mini courses)
or BEPP 827 – Risk Management and Treatment
BEPP 829 – Fundamentals of Actuarial Science I
BEPP 853 – Actuarial Statistics (formerly INSR 833)
BEPP 835 – Financial Strategies and Analysis: Insurance
FNCE 717 – Financial Derivatives
FNCE 719 – International Markets
FNCE 720 – Investment Management
OPIM 761 – Risk Analyis and Environmental Management
One Advanced Study Project (BEPP 890) in Business Economics & Public Policy is required (1 cu).
Any deviations from this program has to be approved by the MBA Advisor.