Maxwell Speil

Maxwell Speil
  • Applied Economics Doctoral Student

Contact Information

Research Interests: Applied Micro

Knowledge at Wharton

Why Do So Many EV Startups Fail?

Wharton professor joins the show to discuss why so many EV startups fail.Read More

Knowledge @ Wharton - 5/16/2024
Eshan Ponnadurai, Head of Meta’s Consumer Marketing

Wharton experts speak with Eshan Ponnadurai, head of Meta’s consumer marketing.Read More

Knowledge @ Wharton - 5/16/2024
Julie Nollet, Chief Marketing Officer at Hennessy (LVMH)

Wharton experts speak with Julie Nollet, chief marketing officer at Hennessy (LVMH).Read More

Knowledge @ Wharton - 5/16/2024